Edu: Virtuálne vzdelávacie prostredie


Hotel Cancellation conditions

Hotel Cancellation conditions

Cancelling group booking (3 and more rooms)

The customer has the right to cancel services ordered of written annoucement. It is necessary to write: the name, contact, the date of stay and the reasons for cancellation.
The cancellation must be sent by e-mail, fax or by post.
The delivery day is important determine the number of days in cancullation of cancellation fees.

Cancellation fee:

31 and more days before making your stay: without cancellation fee
20 to 30 days before making your stay: 20% of the price of accommodation
8 to 19 days before making your stay: 40% of the price of accommodation
1 to 7 day before making your stay: 60% of the priceof accommodation
To 24 hours before making your stay: 100% of the price of accommodation
In case that the customer doesn´t begin the stay without making cancellation: 100% of the price of accommodation

Cancelling for individuals (maximally 2 rooms)

The customer has right to cancel services ordered of written announcement or over the phone.
It is necessary to write: the name, contact, the date of stay.
The cancellation fee for individuals will not be charged.

Potrebujete poradiť?

Vzdelávanie a poradenstvo

+421 37 7910 231

Po–Pia 8:00 – 15:00


+421 37 7910 292

Po–Pia 8:00 – 15:00


+421 37 7910 234

Po–Pia 8:00 – 15:00


+421 37 7910 111

Po–Pia 7:00 – 20:00